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Author: interactiontrainers

The pioneers of CRM

Command and Leadership training

11 November 2018, In Emden, Germany conducting Command and Leadership training for Northern Helicopter pilots. What a great way to spend Armistice Day.

Zimex Engineering HF/MRM/CBS

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015 On the 12th and 13th March 2015, Stephen Walsh, ITL conducted two one-day HF/MRM/CBS Recurrents for Zimex Engineering and Star Aviation in Hassi Messaoud, Algeria. All of the participants were fully engaged throughout the training and were delighted that the recurrent built upon the knowledge, skills and attitudes that they acquired…
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Monday, December 15th, 2014 Following on from the guest lectures in November, 6 talented and motivated students from the MA Aviation Logistics were invited to participate in in an Initial Crew Resource Management Course. This was done to develop the students depth of understanding of human interaction. The students, Jordy Leider, Alex Jumelet, Nico de Bock, Mark Vleij, Sander Vogelaar…
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Hogeschool van Amsterdam

Friday, October 3rd, 2014 Today, Stephen Walsh delivered the first of two guest lectures for the 4th year students on the Aviation Logistics and Aviation Management Degree courses at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Steve explored the SARI communication toolbox, Just Culture and the Safety Management System with the students and it’s links with their fields…
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Zimex Aviation – Engineering HF/CRM/CBS Training

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 Over the last 12 months, Zimex has invested in enhanced training for their engineering personnel. Human Factors, Crew Resource Management and the Common Behavioural Standards were delivered in integrated courses. 8 Assessors completed a 6-day Assessors course and all engineering staff completed the 3-day HF/CRM/CBS initial course. The response to the…
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Kalamata Pioneers

Monday, March 11th, 2013 ITL recently delivered the Common Behavioural Standards CRM Course to a group of Greek and Italian military flight instructors in Kalamata, Greece. The course was arranged by Lt.Col. Nick Malapanis. It was an absolute pleasure and a privilege to work with Nick and his officers and we very much look forward…
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Zimex – Simulator On-the-Job Development (OJD) Feedback

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012 During 2012, Zimex Simulator Instructors/examiners received one-on-one On-the Job Development (OJD) with the ITL Consul at their simulators in Toronto, Canada. The purpose was two fold: 1. To ensure that all are behaving/instructing/examing in the standardised manner they were taught on the SFIS/CBS courses. 2. To develop their instructional skills and…
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Zimex – Common Behavioural Standards (CBS) Feedback

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012 During 2012, all Zimex pilots participated in the 2-day Common Behavioural Standards (CBS) Course. Essentially this is a 2-day CRM Initial. However, all participants receive their own copy of the CBS Aide Memoire which is integrates all non-technical and technical performance. The CBS Aide Memoire is used in ALL training and…
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Zimex – SFIS Instructor/Examiner/Trg Capt Feedback

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012 During 2012, all Zimex Sim Instructors/Examiners and Line Training Captains participated in and passed the 5-day Standardised Flight Instructional Skills (SFIS) Course. The Common Behvaioural Standards (CBS) is fully integrated into the SFIS. below are a selection of the feedback comments received from the participants. The CBS System will enable us…
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Kind words from Vietnam

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012 Some former students of ours recently sent us the following kind words to celebrate Vietnam Teacher Day.   translates the picture above as: WE ALWAYS KEEP IN OUR HEARTS EVERY WORD THAT YOU HAVE TAUGHT US FOR LIFE. Kind and noble words. Thank you and best wishes to all our Vietnamese…
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